Sunday, September 4, 2011

Time to kick it up a notch.

I have been so busy these past few weeks.  Crocheting until my arms want to fall off, But I am done with that for just a bit of time.  Tomorrow I will be traveling to my hometown to enjoy setting up a craft booth with a coworker of mine.  She does Christmas crafts which will probably draw a huge crowd.  They are pretty amazing.  I have 6 baby blankets.  Some with hats and some with booties.  I didn't get to make nearly as many as I wanted to.  But hey, I only had a month to make it and it takes a lot of time to do a blanket.  I am definitely going to try and do this on the side though for a while so if anyone knows anyone who is having a baby and needs a shower gift, or if you are having a baby and would like to request a personal blanket set. I can include hat and booties for $20 to $25 depending on what you want.  That is pretty dang cheap for a week's worth of labor which is on average what it takes to finish.  But I like doing it and it is relaxing.
They finally got equipment into the gym down the road.  Saw it on Thursday when we drove by it.  And that means this week, when the hubs gets paid we are going to join!  So by this coming Thursday I should be working out like no body's business.
I had an issue with my foot/leg on Friday AGAIN.  it swelled up and i felt very self conscious about it since I was wear flip flops and capris.  But I have a pain in my toe and i have had it for awhile.  I have been ignoring it because it doesn't hurt much.... I think I need to start listening to my body more.  I am going to try and go to the dr. on Tuesday because I think I need to see if there is something wrong with my toe that might be causing all this pain in my leg and the swelling in my ankle/foot areas.  Or if there is something else they might find.  I am always scared it will be some life threatening thing which in my mind instead of making me WANT to go to the dr. makes me NOT WANT to go.  I watch too many "Mystery Diagnosis" on TV and my mom implants ideas in my head because she is the same way!!! 
I know man I am boring.  That is all for now.  Maybe I will have something More "Kick-ass" to say next time.  Or something more inspirational. like "I started working out and you know what it is NOT difficult and is FUN."  Yeah I doubt that will ever be said in real life.  Unless I am talking about the dance classes that I am so looking forward to :)

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