Thursday, May 23, 2013

I am really horrible at updating.

I have lost one more pound since the last update... HA!  at least I'm not gaining.
I have been so busy lately.  And stressed.
I have this weekend off to go with my mom and Johnny to KY to see my niece graduate high school... Starting to feel a little old now...  and then back to hectic life.  I like being busy but i need a vacation.  Away from home and away someplace nice.  ANYONE KNOW HOW TO DO THAT FOR FREEEEEEE? lol.

still trying to dance my buns off... well... i am focusing more on the tummy region.  I kind of like my butt now.  :)  its nice.  Dancing has made it perkier.  :) :) :)

OK so I don't update on the regular cause I am so boring.

I am still on break from the fertility thing.  I just can't handle it right now.  And I know I am not getting any younger.  Maybe I just don't think medical people are going to help me.  Only the Grace of God will.  And I just can't focus on it right now.  I just want to live.  and being miserable all the time is no way to live.  worrying about when I am supposed to have sex and worrying about how I am supposed to lay or what i have to do... what i can and cannot eat.... what is wrong or right just to TRY and conceive so i MIGHT carry a baby to term... its not living.
And maybe its selfish of me to think that way but it was eating at me.  I was becoming and b-i-t-c-h.  and I don't want to BE that.  I hated me like that.  so breaking.... and maybe broke.  we will see....