Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Feeling a bit down in the dumps as it were.

I am so ANGRY and SAD all at the same time.
For the past 2 weeks my stomach has been hurting almost every time I eat ANYTHING. So I go to the dr today to see about getting myself fixed up.  Instead I get a lecture on how I wouldn't feel like this if I just lost weight.  Excuse me... do skinny people not get sick?  I missed that memo.  
so I took it out on facebook: "warning: the following will be a rant....
I am so over this crap! The worst thing about being fat isn't actually being fat its the fact that no doctor will help you when you are fat. They just want to tell you that miracles will happen and angels will sing and pigs will fly if all you will do is lose weigh!!!! DON'T YOU THINK I HAVE TRIED/AM TRYING TO DO SO!? Hi, I don't know if you have taken a look at my MEDICAL RECORDS since you are my FREAKING doctor and all but having the thyroid disorder and PCOS.... doesn't help weight loss. If i could do it by cutting calories and exercising, I should be a freaking MODEL by now. I am DOING this. I even said UPFRONT that I am doing these things but my appointment becomes a LECTURE on how I need to lose weight. YOU KNOW WHAT?!?! Next time I will save my money and my time and just starve myself for a week. All I went in there for was because my stomach has been hurting and I have been throwing up on and off for 2 weeks. I guess if I lost weight that wouldn't happen to me either. APPARENTLY skinny people NEVER GET SICK."

Now I am taking it out here too.  

I am so over having to defend myself to a dr.  You know what? This is why i quit going in the first place, instead of LISTENING to me, they just want to hear themselves speak.  I tried to tell her why i was not taking medicine for my PCOS.  Because Metformin makes me sick.  I am not diabetic and it makes my sugars drop and I get sick.  Her response... "It isnt just for diabetes. It is to keep you from being insulin resistant so you can ovulate."  I KNOW THAT.  I RESEARCH when I am told something is wrong with me. I want to KNOW everything I can so I can battle it with knowledge in my arsenal.  But I am apparently stupid.  I said "I know but it makes me sick.  Apparently no one cares though."  Snippy little remark.  

I know being snippy isn't helping.  Does anyone know a doctor who actually cares about their patients and not just about the $$$$ they are going to make from my visit?  I would love to go to a dr. like that.  I am still waiting on a referrall to go to an endocrinologist.  But for now I am on the search for a good gyno that will maybe LISTEN to me and help me get what I NEED and what I WANT.  I am not getting any younger.  I would love to have kids before I am 40. 

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